Undergraduate Studies

My selection window is open but a course I need is full.

Once your course selection window opens it does not close, meaning that you can continue to add courses until the end of the add period. Continue to monitor Webadvisor for openings. 

During the add periods, we suggest that students continually check Web Advisor (everyday, at all different times of the day & night) for a cancelled seat.  Students are constantly changing their schedules, therefore vigilance may pay off. 

What are the changes to the regularly scheduled courses?

Fall 2024

PSYC2450 Developmental Psychology - normally offered in Fall semesters. For 24/25 only PSYC2450 will be offered in W25 instead. 

PSYC4310 Advanced Topics in Social and Applied Social Psychology
PSYC4460 Advanced Topics in Clinical and Applied Developmental Psychology
Normally offered in Winter only, PSYC4310 and PSYC4460 will be offered in BOTH Fall 2024 and Winter 2025 for the 24/25 academic year only.

How will I know if a specific course will be offered in a semester?

As soon as course offerings are finalized they are posted to WebAdvisor. If you do not see a course on WebAdvisor, it hasn't been scheduled.

You can refer to the Undergraduate Calendar Psychology course listings to see whether a course is designated as "F" "W" "S" or "U" ("U" indicates that a course could be offered in any semester or not at all). 

I’m interested in taking a course that according to the offering code should be offered but the course is not listed on WebAdvisor.

Not all courses listed in our course descriptions are offered in the semester noted in the calendar.   (You will see the semester offerings codes under each course description.  F = fall semester offering, W = Winter semester offering, S = summer semester offering , or U = semester offering at the department discretion.) Students can find a list of current course changes here.

I don’t have a pre-requisite for a Psychology course that I want to take. How can I request permission to be signed in?

Space permitting, students who lack a prerequisite may request a waiver beginning on the date indicated on the Course Selection Guidelines document. Due to the popularity of our courses, it may not be possible to admit an ineligible students.

Prerequisites requirements may include: successful completion of a specific course(s) or number of credits, registration within a specific major or minor, a minimum GPA or PSYC GPA etc.

The course I want to take is full. How do I get signed in? Can I be put on a waitlist?

When the course is full this means that all of the seats have been taken.   Professors do not keep waitlists for their courses.  During the add periods, we suggest that students continually check Web Advisor (everyday, at all different times of the day & night) for a cancelled seat.  Students are constantly changing their schedules, therefore vigilance may pay off.