Naseem Al-Aidroos |
Neuroscience & Applied Cognitive Science |
Yes |
naseem@uoguelph.ca |
Paula Barata |
Applied Social Psychology |
Yes |
pbarata@uoguelph.ca |
Pat Barclay |
Applied Social Psychology, Neuroscience & Applied Cognitive Science |
Yes |
barclayp@uoguelph.ca |
Elena Choleris |
Neuroscience & Applied Cognitive Science |
Yes |
echoleri@uoguelph.ca |
Stephanie Craig |
Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology |
Yes |
scraig07@uoguelph.ca |
Don Dedrick |
Neuroscience & Applied Cognitive Science |
ddedrick@uoguelph.ca |
Mark Fenske |
Neuroscience & Applied Cognitive Science |
No |
mfenske@uoguelph.ca |
Chris Fiacconi |
Neuroscience & Applied Cognitive Science |
Yes |
cfiaccon@uoguelph.ca |
Benjamin Giguère |
Applied Social Psychology |
Yes |
bgiguere@uoguelph.ca |
Harjinder Gill |
Industrial/Organizational Psychology |
Yes |
gillh@uoguelph.ca |
Alexandra Gousse |
No |
gousseal@uoguelph.ca |
Eileen Gross |
No |
egross@uoguelph.ca |
Peter Hausdorf |
Industrial/Organizational Psychology |
No |
phausdor@uoguelph.ca |
Francesco Leri |
Neuroscience & Applied Cognitive Science |
Yes |
fleri@uoguelph.ca |
Stephen P. Lewis |
Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology |
No |
stephen.lewis@uoguelph.ca |
Margaret Lumley |
Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology |
Yes |
mlumley@uoguelph.ca |
Harvey Marmurek |
Neuroscience & Applied Cognitive Science |
No |
hmarmure@uoguelph.ca |
Kaitlyn McLachlan (she/her) |
Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology |
No |
kmclac02@uoguelph.ca |
C. Meghan McMurtry |
Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology |
No |
cmcmurtr@uoguelph.ca |
Dan Meegan |
Neuroscience & Applied Cognitive Science |
dan.meegan@uoguelph.ca |
Barbara Morrongiello |
Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology |
No |
bmorrong@uoguelph.ca |
Jennifer Murray |
Neuroscience & Applied Cognitive Science |
jmurr@uoguelph.ca |
Ian Newby-Clark |
Applied Social Psychology |
Yes |
inewby@uoguelph.ca |
Elissa Newby-Clark |
Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology |
No |
enewbycl@uoguelph.ca |
Kieran O'Doherty |
Applied Social Psychology |
Yes |
odohertk@uoguelph.ca |
Maria Pavlova |
Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology |
Yes |
mpavlova@uoguelph.ca |
Deborah Powell |
Industrial/Organizational Psychology |
Yes |
dpowell@uoguelph.ca |
Saba Safdar |
Applied Social Psychology |
Yes |
ssafdar@uoguelph.ca |
Greg Simpson |
No |
gsimpson@uoguelph.ca |
Shayna Skakoon-Sparling |
Applied Social Psychology |
Yes |
s.sparling@uoguelph.ca |
Leanne Son Hing |
Industrial/Organizational Psychology |
Yes |
sonhing@uoguelph.ca |
Jeffrey Spence |
Industrial/Organizational Psychology |
Yes |
spencejr@uoguelph.ca |
David Stanley |
Industrial/Organizational Psychology |
Yes |
dstanley@uoguelph.ca |
Kristel Thomassin |
Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology |
Yes |
Kristel.Thomassin@uoguelph.ca |
Franco Vaccarino |
Neuroscience & Applied Cognitive Science |
fvaccarino@uoguelph.ca |
Boyer Winters |
Neuroscience & Applied Cognitive Science |
Yes |
bwinters@uoguelph.ca |
Jeffery Yen |
Applied Social Psychology |
Yes |
jyen@uoguelph.ca |