Pat Barclay

Pat Barclay is an evolutionary psychologist whose research combines the fields of evolutionary biology, animal behaviour, social psychology, mathematical game theory, and experimental economics to study topics such as: cooperation, altruism, reputation, punishment, friendship, partner choice, trust, biological markets, costly signaling, and risk-taking.
I investigate costly cooperation and punishment within human groups, especially in social dilemmas such as the provision of public goods. I use an evolutionary psychological framework to generate hypotheses about altruism and human prosocial behavior. By using this approach, my research tries to understand when and why people help others, what design features in the brain promote altruistic behaviour, and what selective pressures could have resulted in the brain being designed this way. To do so, I typically use experimental cooperative games involving money (such as the well-known Prisoner's Dilemma and public goods games) where participants can make decisions that benefit themselves, others, or both. In addition, I use mathematical models (evolutionary game theory) to advance our theoretical understanding of cooperation. I have recently begun research on risk-taking, inequality, and the scale of competition within groups.
Want a video? Here is my keynote talk at the University of Toronto in 2012 ( and my talk at TEDxGuelphU 2017 (
Selected Publications
Detailed Research Interests and Publications
I am primarily using experimental games from experimental economics to investigate the following areas. In addition, I supplement these games with mathematical models from evolutionary game theory. Within the broad topic of cooperation, I am currently pursuing the following non-mutually exclusive lines of research:
Please e-mail me for a copy of any of these articles.
1) BIOLOGICAL MARKETS, PARTNER CHOICE, AND COMPETITIVE HELPING: When organisms can choose whom they interact with, this partner choice creates a “biological market” where individuals must compete with each other over partnerships. My work applies this concept to human partnerships (e.g., friends, allies, coalition members, mates) to understand how people choose and get chosen by partners. Many of the traits that we value in partners are cues of someone’s value as a partner (ability, willingness, and availability to help). One confirmed prediction is that people will compete by being more generous than others (“competitive altruism” or “competitive helping”).
Barclay, P. (2016). Biological markets and the effects of partner choice on cooperation and friendship. Current Opinion in Psychology, 7, 33-38.
Barclay, P. (2013). Strategies for cooperation in biological markets, especially for humans. Evolution & Human Behavior, 34(3), 164-175.
Barclay, P. (2011). Competitive helping increases with the size of biological markets and invades defection. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 281, 47-55.
Barclay, P. (2010). Altruism as a courtship display: Some effects of third-party generosity on audience perceptions. British Journal of Psychology, 101, 123-135.
Barclay, P., & Willer, R. (2007). Partner choice creates competitive altruism in humans. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Series B, 274, 749-753.
Barclay, P. (2004). Trustworthiness and Competitive Altruism Can Also Solve the “Tragedy of the Commons”. Evolution & Human Behavior, 25(4), 209-220.
2) REPUTATIONAL BENEFITS FOR COOPERATIVE BEHAVIOUR: if cooperators receive private benefits for their actions, however unintended those benefits are, then this can cause natural selection and/or learning of cooperative sentiment. There is much overlap between this topic and biological markets – here are the papers on reputational benefits which are not specifically related to biological markets.
Barclay, P. (2015). Reputation. In D. Buss (Ed.) Handbook of Evolutionary Psychology (2nd Ed.), pp. 810-828. Hoboken, NJ: J. Wiley & Sons.
Sparks, A., & Barclay, P. (2015). No effect on condemnation of short or long exposure to eye images. Letters on Evolutionary Behavioral Science, 6(2), 13-16.
Sparks, A., & Barclay, P. (2013). Eyes increase generosity, but not for long: the limited effect of a false cue. Evolution & Human Behavior, 34, 317-322.
Barclay, P. (2012). Harnessing the power of reputation: strengths and limits for promoting cooperative behaviours. Evolutionary Psychology, 10(5), 868-883.
Barclay, P., & Reeve, H.K. (2012). The varying relationship between helping and individual quality. Behavioral Ecology, 23(4), 693-698.
3) COSTLY PUNISHMENT: people are willing to incur costs to punish others who don’t cooperate, and cooperation is much higher when punishment is present. But why are people willing to punish, if doing so is costly and if all group members (including non-punishers) benefit from the resulting increase in cooperation? My research to date has investigated reputational benefits for punitive behaviour including deterrence and trust, and the prevalence or lack thereof of second-order punishment (punishing those who don’t punish free-riders).
Barclay, P., & Kiyonari, T. (2014). Why sanction? Functional causes of punishment and reward. In P. Van Lange, B. Rockenbach, & T. Yamagishi (Eds.) Social Dilemmas: New Perspectives on Reward and Punishment, pp. 182-196. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.
Barclay, P. (2012). Proximate and ultimate causes of Strong Reciprocity and punishment. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 35(1), 16-17.
Kiyonari, T., & Barclay, P. (2008). Cooperation in social dilemmas: free-riding may be thwarted by second-order rewards rather than punishment. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 95(4), 826-842.
Barclay, P. (2006). Reputational benefits for altruistic punishment. Evolution and Human Behavior, 27, 325-344.
4) SCALE OF COMPETITION: In some situations, organisms are in heavy competition with whoever they interact with (local competition). In other situations, any two interaction partners are not in direct competition with each other, but instead compete against the wider population (global competition). This “scale of competition” creates incentives for spite, inequity aversion, and aggression, while simultaneously suppressing cooperation; after all, an organism will do poorly if it helps its direct competitor. I have investigated how the scale of competition affects people’s tolerance for inequality, their willingness to harm others, and their cooperation within classrooms.
Barclay, P., & Stoller, B. (2014). Local competition sparks concern for fairness in the ultimatum game. Biology Letters, 10, 20140213.
Krupp, D. B., Kim, J., Taylor, P., & Barclay, P. (2014). Cooperation and competition in large classrooms. Toronto: Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario.
5) COGNITIVE MECHANISMS UNDERLYING COOPERATIVE EXCHANGE: how specific are these cognitive mechanisms, what other mechanisms are involved in social exchange, and what algorithms do they use? I have tested predictions about the specificity/generality of these cognitive mechanisms, including examining claims that humans possess mental algorithms specifically designed for dealing with people who “cheat” in social contracts.
Barclay, P. (2008). Enhanced recognition of defectors depends on their rarity. Cognition, 107, 817-828.
Barclay, P., & Lalumière, M. (2006). Do people differentially remember cheaters? Human Nature, 17(1), 98-113.
6) INTERGROUP COMPETITION & GROUP THREATS: many theories predict that intragroup cooperation increases in the face of group threat. I have recently done work that empirically demonstrates this “stability-dependent cooperation” and shows how people (especially those of high status) will manipulate that to their own advantage.
Barclay, P., & Krupp, D. B. (forthcoming). The burden of proof for a cultural group selection account. Accepted for publication in Behavioral and Brain Sciences.
Sparks, A., Mishra, S., & Barclay, P. (2013). Fundamental freedoms and the psychology of threat, bargaining, and inequality. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 36, 36-37.
Barclay, P., & Benard, S. (2013). Who cries wolf, and when: manipulation of perceived threats to preserve rank in cooperative groups. PLOS ONE, 8(9), e73863. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0073863.
7) MISCELLANEOUS COOPERATION: for topics and publications on cooperation that don’t fit cleanly into any of the above…
Barker, J., Barclay, P., & Reeve, H.K. (2013). Competition over personal resources favors contributions to shared resources in human groups. PLOS ONE, 8(3), e58826.
Barker, J., Barclay, P., & Reeve, H.K. (2012). Within-group competition reduces cooperation and payoffs in human groups. Behavioral Ecology, 23(4), 735-741.
Krupp, D. B., DeBruine, L. M., & Barclay, P. (2008). A cue of kinship promotes cooperation for the public good. Evolution & Human Behavior, 29, 49-55.
Barclay, P. (2015). Reputation. In D. Buss (Ed.) Handbook of Evolutionary Psychology (2nd Ed.), pp. 810-828. Hoboken, NJ: J. Wiley & Sons.
Barclay, P., & Van Vugt, M. (2015). The evolutionary psychology of human prosociality: adaptations, mistakes, and byproducts. In D. Schroeder & W. Graziano (Eds.) Oxford Handbook of Prosocial Behavior, pp. 37-60. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press. * Note: most of this chapter was later reused with permission in the authored book “Social Dilemmas: The Psychology of Human Cooperation” by P. Van Lange, D. Balliet, C. D. Parks, & M. Van Vugt, published in 2014 by Oxford University Press. I am first author of the corresponding chapter there.
Kafashan, S., Sparks, A., Griskevicius, V., & Barclay, P. (2014). Prosocial behaviour and social status. In J. T. Cheng, J. L. Tracy, & C. Anderson (Eds.) The Psychology of Social Status, pp. 139-158. New York, NY: Springer.
Barclay, P. (2012). Harnessing the power of reputation: strengths and limits for promoting cooperative behaviours. Evolutionary Psychology, 10(5), 868-883.
Barclay, P. (2011). The evolution of charitable behaviour and the power of reputation. In C. Roberts (Ed.) Applied Evolutionary Psychology, pp. 149-172. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.
Barclay, P. (2010). Reputation and the Evolution of Generous Behavior. Nova Science Publishers, Hauppauge, NY. * Note: this is essentially a very lengthy book chapter based on my PhD thesis introduction & discussion, but the publisher released it as a stand-alone book.
Mishra, S., Barclay, P., & Lalumière, M.L. (2014). Competitive disadvantage facilitates risk taking. Evolution and Human Behavior, 35, 126-132.
Barclay, P. (2013). Pathways to Abnormal Revenge and Forgiveness. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 36(1), 17-18.
Krupp, D. B., & Barclay, P. (2010). Margo Wilson (1942-2009). Journal of Evolutionary Psychology, 8(1), 1-3.
Barclay, P. (2008). Using the hatchet and burying it afterwards – A review of “Beyond revenge: The evolution of the forgiveness instinct”. Invited book review for Evolution & Human Behavior, 29(6), 450-451.
Krupp, D.B., Barclay, P., Daly, M., Kiyonari, T., Dingle, G., & Wilson, M. (2005). Let’s add some psychology (and maybe even some evolution) to the mix. Behavioral & Brain Sciences, 28(6), 828-829.
Barclay, P., & Daly, M. (2003). Humans should be individualistic and utility-maximizing, but not necessarily “rational”. Behavioral & Brain Sciences, 26(2), 154-155.
Please feel free to e-mail me for a copy of any of the following.
Refereed Publications
Barclay, P. (2016). Biological markets and the effects of partner choice on cooperation and friendship. Current Opinion in Psychology, 7, 33-38.
Sparks, A., & Barclay, P. (2015). No effect on condemnation of short or long exposure to eye images. Letters on Evolutionary Behavioral Science, 6(2), 13-16.
Barclay, P., & Stoller, B. (2014). Local competition sparks concern for fairness in the ultimatum game. Biology Letters, 10, 20140213.
Mishra, S., Barclay, P., & Lalumière, M.L. (2014). Competitive disadvantage facilitates risk taking. Evolution and Human Behavior, 35, 126-132.
Barclay, P., & Benard, S. (2013). Who cries wolf, and when: manipulation of perceived threats to preserve rank in cooperative groups. PLOS ONE, 8(9), e73863. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0073863.
Sparks, A., & Barclay, P. (2013). Eyes increase generosity, but not for long: the limited effect of a false cue. Evolution & Human Behavior, 34, 317-322.
Barclay, P. (2013). Strategies for cooperation in biological markets, especially in humans. Evolution & Human Behavior, 34, 164-175.
Barker, J., Barclay, P., & Reeve, H. K. (2013). Competition over personal resources favors contributions to shared resources in human groups. PLOS ONE, 8(3), e58826.
Barclay, P. (2012). Harnessing the power of reputation: strengths and limits for promoting cooperative behaviours. Evolutionary Psychology, 10(5), 868-883.
Barclay, P., & Reeve, H.K. (2012). The varying relationship between helping and individual quality. Behavioral Ecology, 23(4), 693-698.
Barker, J., Barclay, P., & Reeve, H.K. (2012). Within-group cooperation reduces cooperation and payoffs in human groups. Behavioral Ecology, 23(4), 735-741.
Barclay, P. (2011). Competitive helping increases with the size of biological markets and invades defection. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 281, 47-55.
Barclay, P. (2010). Altruism as a courtship display: Some effects of third-party generosity on audience perceptions. British Journal of Psychology, 101, 123-135.
Kiyonari, T., & Barclay, P. (2008). Free-riding may be thwarted by second-order rewards rather than punishment. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 95(4), 826-842.
Barclay, P. (2008). Enhanced recognition of defectors depends on their rarity. Cognition, 107, 817-828.
Krupp, D. B., DeBruine, L. M., & Barclay, P. (2008). A cue of kinship promotes cooperation for the public good. Evolution & Human Behavior, 29, 49-55. Winner of the New Investigator Award at the international Human Behavior & Evolution Society (HBES) meeting in June, 2005.
Barclay, P., & Willer, R. (2007). Partner choice creates competitive altruism in humans. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Series B, 274, 749-753.
Barclay, P. (2006). Reputational benefits for altruistic punishment. Evolution and Human Behavior, 27, 325-344.
Barclay, P., & Lalumière, M. (2006). Do people differentially remember cheaters? Human Nature, 17(1), 98-113.
Barclay, P. (2004). Trustworthiness and Competitive Altruism Can Also Solve the "Tragedy of the Commons". Evolution & Human Behavior, 25(4), 209-220. Winner of the New Investigator Award at the international Human Behavior & Evolution Society (HBES) meeting in June, 2003.
Books and Book Chapters
Barclay, P. (2015). Reputation. In D. Buss (Ed.) Handbook of Evolutionary Psychology (2nd Ed.), pp. 810-828. Hoboken, NJ: J. Wiley & Sons.
Barclay, P., & Van Vugt, M. (2015). The evolutionary psychology of human prosociality: adaptations, mistakes, and byproducts. In D. Schroeder & W. Graziano (Eds.) Oxford Handbook of Prosocial Behavior, pp. 37-60. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press. * Most of this chapter was reused with permission in the authored book “Social Dilemmas: The Psychology of Human Cooperation” by P. Van Lange, D. Balliet, C. D. Parks, & M. Van Vugt, published in 2014 by Oxford University Press. I am first author of the corresponding chapter there.
Kafashan, S., Sparks, A., Griskevicius, V., & Barclay, P. (2014). Prosocial behaviour and social status. In J. T. Cheng, J. L. Tracy, & C. Anderson (Eds.) The Psychology of Social Status, pp. 139-158. New York, NY: Springer.
Barclay, P., & Kiyonari, T. (2014). Why sanction? Functional causes of punishment and reward. In P. Van Lange, B. Rockenbach, & T. Yamagishi (Eds.) Social Dilemmas: New Perspectives on Reward and Punishment, pp. 182-196. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.
Barclay, P. (2011). The evolution of charitable behaviour and the power of reputation. In C. Roberts (Ed.) Applied Evolutionary Psychology, pp. 149-172. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.
Barclay, P. (2010). Reputation and the Evolution of Generous Behavior. Nova Science Publishers, Hauppauge, NY. * Note: this is essentially a very lengthy book chapter, but the publisher released it as a stand-alone book.
Non-Refereed Publications
Barclay, P., & Krupp, D. B. (in press). The burden of proof for a cultural group selection account. Accepted for publication in Behavioral and Brain Sciences.
Krupp, D. B., Kim, J., Taylor, P., & Barclay, P. (2014). Cooperation and competition in large classrooms. Toronto: Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario.
Sparks, A., Mishra, S., & Barclay, P. (2013). Fundamental freedoms and the psychology of threat, bargaining, and inequality. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 36, 36-37.
Barclay, P. (2013). Pathways to Abnormal Revenge and Forgiveness. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 36, 17-18.
Barclay, P. (2012). Proximate and ultimate causes of strong reciprocity and punishment. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 35(1), 16-17.
Barclay, P. (2010). Reputation and the Evoluton of Generous Behavior. Hauppauge, NY: Nova Science Publishers.
Krupp, D. B., & Barclay, P. (2010). Margo Wilson (1942-2009). Journal of Evolutionary Psychology, 8(1), 1-3.
Barclay, P. (2008). Using the hatchet and burying it afterwards - A review of "Beyond revenge: The evolution of the forgiveness instinct". Invited book review for Evolution & Human Behavior, 29(6), 450-451.
Barclay, P. (2006). Dissertation abstract: Reputational benefits of altruism and altruistic punishment. Experimental Economics, 9(2), 181-182.
Krupp, D.B., Barclay, P., Daly, M., Kiyonari, T., Dingle, G., & Wilson, M. (2005). Let's add some psychology (and maybe even some evolution) to the mix. Behavioral & Brain Sciences, 28(6), 828-829.
Barclay, P., & Daly, M. (2003). Humans should be individualistic and utility-maximizing, but not necessarily "rational". Behavioral & Brain Sciences, 26(2), 154-155.
Within psychology, I teach evolutionary psychology and an upper-year discussion-based seminar that focuses on critical thinking and on issues that apply to all of psychology (e.g., generalizability, ethics, applications).
In addition to teaching in Psychology, I am cross-appointed with the Bachelor of Arts & Science (BAS) program. In that program, I teach courses that bridge the arts, natural sciences, and social sciences. This includes teaching about critical thinking, the philosophy of science, and the sociology of science, as well as helping students to develop skills in writing, presenting, and searching academic literature.
I often have students involved in the research process. If you're interested in getting involved in research and doing a thesis or an independent study for credit, please send me an unofficial transcipt, resume/CV, statement of why you're interested in my lab's research, and a writing sample (e.g., from a course).
In June 2015, I was awarded the Early Career Award for Distinguished Scientific Contribution by the Human Behavior and Evolution Society (HBES), which is the main academic society in evolutionary society.