MA Thesis- Applied Social Psychology

One of the central components of the MA degree is the completion of a thesis research project under the supervision of a faculty member. The type of research project conducted will vary significantly depending on their research interests and the interests of their primary supervisor. Some of the main steps most projects will involve include writing a project proposal, obtaining ethics review, collecting data, analyzing data, and writing up a dissertation. 

Throughout the fall and winter semesters the Applied Social Area also holds weekly colloquia during which students will typically present their MA project proposals for and their findings once the project is completed. These colloquia provide a unique opportunity for students to develop their presentation skills as well as to receive valuable feedback on their projects.

Eligible students are also expected to apply for scholarships in support of their research. Typically students will apply for Ontario Graduate Scholarship, for scholarships from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) (or the relevant Tri-Council agency) and for funding from relevant organization providing funds for the type of issues targeted by the students project. These applications provide opportunities for students to develop engaging writing skills and to receive feedback on them. These skills are valuable for careers in academia, in which grant writing is an important activity, and for applied careers, in which concise and compelling writing is also a valuable skill.

Through these and other activities the Applied Social Psychology MA thesis project provides our students with a unique experiential learning experience, allowing them multiple opportunities to develop their skills as emerging researchers and knowledge practitioners, and preparing them for advanced study at the doctoral level.

Please note that departmental milestones require students to have completed their thesis proposal by the end the 3rd semester, and their thesis defended by their 6th semester (typically by the start of the 6th semester).